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The Purpose Driven Life – A Perspective – Chapter 5: Seeing Life from God’s View

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“The way you see your life shapes your life”

How do you see yourself? For much of my life I had a negative self-image, as a result I made many poor life choices. But, when I became a Christian and realized that Christ died for me personally my self-image started to change, all be it painfully and excruciatingly slowly. It was and is a long journey, but now that my paradigm has change it is so much fun and very rewarding. It is never too late to change, never.

Life on Earth is a Test!

I hated tests when I was in school! But, every test I ever took in school was given for a purpose. The teacher wanted to know what we learned in class and a test was the only way to effectively measure what we learned. James, in his letter, writes,

“My brothers and sisters, you will have many kinds of trouble. But this gives you a reason to be very happy. You know that when your faith is tested, you learn to be patient in suffering. If you let patience work in you, the end result will be good. You will be mature and complete. You will be all that God wants you to be.”

In life we are constantly tested. Being tested shows us two very important things, what needs improvement and how much we’ve learned and grown. Testing also keeps us strong and in shape. During my time in the Army reserves and National Guard we met once a month. If we didn’t keep in shape during the month it came out in the physical training during our drill weekend.

Our Lord constantly allows us to be tested so that we can grow strong and have discipline. The Bible tells us that He will never allow us to be tested beyond our ability to endure. Much to my own shame and embarrassment I can honestly say that every test I ever failed was my own fault. But, by the grace of God when I came back from the wrong path I had learned and grown. Our testing refines us. Everything, every trial, every temptation, even little things are used by our God to grow us, refine us and make us more like his Son. God’s grace is given to each of us as we are tested. The greater the test the more grace God gives us.

The good news is that God wants us to pass each test. When our life is over God will evaluate and reward us depending upon what we did with our gifts and how we did on each test. I’m reminded of the parable of the Five Talents, each servant was given talents and when the master returned he evaluated each servant as to what he did with the talents. Most servants were rewarded for what they did with the talents but the servant who buried his was punished. God gives each of us gifts.

Each of us has something, some talent some special gift. What is yours?


Sgt. Allen Lynch

Allen Lynch is a former United States Army soldier and a recipient of the United States military’s highest decoration, the Medal of Honor, for his actions in the Vietnam War.Find Help & Healing

1 Easy-to-Read Version

2 Matthew 25:14-30
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