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Our Approach

Part of our success at EHN is attributed to treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. We do this by incorporating two different concepts into the healing process;


 The 5 pillars of recovery and peer-to peer support

group of men sitting in circle

5 Pillars of Recovery

The programming at EHN is based on the core five pillars outlined below. Each of the five pillars addresses a different aspect of the healing process, all of which are equally important. We understand that there are different paths to healing, which is why we include both holistic and traditional healing methods as part of our programming. Residents are encouraged to choose whichever method, or combination of methods, that works best for them.

Physical healing is one of the first pillars of recovery we encourage individuals to focus on because it plays a significant role when it comes to overall sense of well-being. Physical healing comes in many forms - a medical issue that needs to be addressed, incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine or making positive lifestyle changes.  


Improved physical health through exercise and healthy eating habits can also help minimize stress, reduce cravings and improve symptoms of co-occurring disorders.

Peer-to-Peer Support

Another core aspect of the programming at EHN is the peer-to-peer support model. This model is foundational to our success and has proven to be beneficial in a number of ways outlined below.

Peer-to-peer support encourages a sense of mutual support and understanding through shared experiences. Many times, especially with our veterans, it can be difficult to find common ground or understanding with someone who has never experienced what they have. With the peer-to-peer model, it gives individuals a chance to find support with someone (or a group of people) who has been in their shoes. Being able to ask questions or come up with solutions can also seem easier with peers because they may have had similar questions or struggles themselves.

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